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I want to be forced fucked and strangled and smothered. I’m handicapped but l don’t car. I’m so bored with my life.l can walk a little And Just want to have a little bit of for one in me life??
quand tu veux
I want to be forced, lm handicapped and l need a little fun in my life strangled and smothered too? Pease l need it. I’m Just a litte thing but l don’t care
Message me baby, I’d love to have some fun with you.
ok ok ok
quand tu veux
I wish I could be fucked deeply roughly non stop
Soy un muchacho de 28 vivo en Cuba buscando una mujer dominatrix q quiera estrangularme hasta q desmelle o hasta q me mate si así lo desea si es de otro país hacemos video llamada y igual me estrangulo