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i remember taking a biggggg fkn toke while this one dude sucked every ounce of cummmmm down his throat… I was scared at first to let him suck my dick… But i was horny and We were just chilling.. he said how i felt about gay guys… i told him i don’t discriminate… Low Key i was hoping he would ask if i ever fooled around with a guy lol bullshit aside he made me cum in seconds…we kept puffing after about an hour he asked if i was down to try it again… He sucked Me for a long fucking time and OMFG was it bomb
You should have put on a blindfold and put porn on with some bitch sucking away and just pretend. As horny as I get on the pipe, I’d put on some hardcore porn and a latex glove with lots of lube. If you masturbate good, it’s the next best thing. Especially if some bitch is watching you rubbing her pussy.
lit shit only way too cum
U like
Don’t know if I could do it
Lol so basically meth sex = the dude just being a sexually selfish cunt
title should say meth suck theres no fucking in this short ass vid